首页> 中文期刊> 《西藏研究》 >探寻岭・格萨尔及其诸将相城堡遗址




《格萨尔王传》是青藏高原上口耳相传的英雄史诗,后来被文人学者们将其付之笔端,成为藏文古典文献的组成部分。但是,现有研究成果更多地关注其神话和文学性特征,而藏区随可见的格萨尔及其相关的历史遗迹的考证还没有引起足够的重视。依据藏文史籍提供的历史索,在川藏青交汇处实地调查发现,岭・格萨尔王出生地古斯贡、嘉查协噶的城堡遗址・傲群宗、察象・丹玛向查的城堡遗址夏尔隆日洲、色尔巴・尼本达雅的城堡遗址三洲本凸宗等历史迹。这些遗迹不仅至今仍可目睹,还与史诗中的叙述比较吻合。由此看来,《格萨尔王传》绝非粹虚构的神话,而其中很多事件是可资探寻的史实。并且,通过历史遗址的调查和史诗文本的甄,进行系统研究将有助于建构11世纪前后格萨尔史诗在多康地区比较模糊的历史演变过程。%Abtract:Gesar Epic was firstly transcendent by ear,but later have recorded,and now it’ s became an ntegral part of Tibetan classical literature.However,current research target more on the mythical and lit-rary features,not on the historical sites. Based on this status,this paper based on Tibetan historical re-ource,combine with field work carried out in the‘Guzi Temple,the birthplace of King Gesar,Minister gya tsha zhal dkhar’ s castle Dngul chu khro rdzong,Minister thsa zhang ‘dan ma’ s castle Shar lung i drug,Minister Nyi ‘bum dar yag’ s castle bsam grub ‘bum tub,etc.All this castle sites are not only visible today but also can be found in historical records.In the light of these research out come, a lear outline of the histony of 11th cenfury of Kham region can be drawn.



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