首页> 中文期刊> 《旅游论坛》 >艺术节得以形成的第四种力量:个体行动--以小洲艺术节为例




This study was a case study of Xiaozhou arts festival,kept an eye on promoters of the art festival and their experience by participant observation and key informant interview to analyze the formation of a grass-root art festival from the individualiza-tion perspective,then explored the natural relationship between “individual action”and “a grass-root art festival’s formation”. The results are as following :(1)The impetus for a grass-root art festival is an individual action,which is the fourth strength of an art festival.Xiaozhou art festival was initiated by two young artists,not some government or some organization.(2)The natu-ral relation between individual action and a grass-root art festival’s formation is related to an individual “Detraditonalization”process.The consciousness of subjective individualization tendency and self-owned life drived promoters to initiate Xiaozhou art festival,which motivated them to persue the chance of individual action outside the system.%以小洲艺术节为例,着眼于节事活动中最具能动性的个体,从个体的“去传统化”切入,通过参与式观察和关键人物访谈等质性研究方法,分析活跃于体制外、游离于主流边缘的草根艺术节缘何得以形成,探究“个体行动”与“草根艺术节形成”之间关系的本质。研究发现:(1)个体行动作为与政府、学术机构、商业企业这三类传统力量相对的第四种力量推动了艺术节的形成。小洲艺术节的发起是环境因素和个体因素相互影响的过程,其中又以个体因素起决定作用。创办者等个体的积极行动成为该艺术节得以形成的根本推动力;(2)“个体行动”与“草根艺术节形成”之间关系的本质与个体的“去传统化”有关。主观“祛魅”的创办者们拥有“个体化倾向”和“自主人生信念”,这种意识转变促使他们敢于在体制外搜寻个人行动的边界,成为小洲青年艺术节得以形成的内驱力。



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