首页> 中文期刊> 《价值工程》 >高职高专电子商务专业实践教学研究




In recent years, the development of electronic commerce specialty in higher vocational colleges is in full swing. The goal of higher vocational education is to train highly skilled talents for society, and the practical teaching is essential for training highly skilled talents. However, in the development process of just a few years, most of higher vocational colleges lacked of scientific planning for the practice teaching of electronic commerce and exposed some problems of heavy theory, light practice in talents training. Combined with actual work, this paper starts from the analysis of the status quo and proposes some programs for improving the practice teaching of electronic commerce.%近年来,高职院校电子商务专业发展如火如荼。高等职业教育是以为社会培养高技能型人才为目标,实践性教学对高技能人才的培养至关重要。但在短短几年发展过程中,大多数高职院校对于电子商务实践教学缺少科学的规划,人才培养中暴露出一些重理论,轻实践的问题。本文结合工作实际,从分析现状入手,提出了一些改进电子商务实践教学的方案。



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