首页> 中文期刊> 《世界核心医学期刊文摘:妇产科学分册》 >通过同卵共享模型研究经体外受精和卵母细胞单精子显微注射后男性因素对受孕及胚胎发育的影响




Objective To investigate whether sperm from different males can influ ence fert ilization and embryo development. Design To use an egg-sharing model, in which the eggs from one woman are shared between herself and a recipient, and differen t spermatozoa are used to fertilize the eggs. Setting Assisted Conception Unit, Birmingham Womens Hospital, Edgbaston, United Kingdom. Patient(s) Infertile wo men undergoing egg sharing. Intervention(s) In vitro fertilization (IVF). Main o utcome measure(s) Fertilization rates and the mean day 2 or 3 embryo score (cell number X grade) were examined for eggsharing pairs. A comparison was also made for pairs in which intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and IVF was used as t he insemination method. A paired samples t-test was used to compare the sharer and recipient results. Result(s) Pregnancy rates did not differ between sharer a nd recipient couples. Interestingly, when comparing fertilization, there was a s ignificant difference (P <.05) in favor of IVF over ICSI.When comparing embryo d evelopment between egg-sharing pairs, we found that approximately 30%of patien ts showed a difference in mean embryo score of ≥5 in all embryo development and 14%in the quality of embryos available for transfer. Conclusion(s)We showed th at the egg-sharing model is a successful alternative for the treatment of women who required donated eggs. More important, the egg-sharing model shows that, i n a certain percentage of couples, differences in early embryo development are p aternally influenced.



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