首页> 中文期刊> 《世界核心医学期刊文摘:皮肤病学分册》 >肾移植患者EB病毒相关皮肤浆细胞瘤(法语)




cqvip:Introduction. Postransplantlymphoproliferative disorders are well known complications of solid organ transplant, usually associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Observation. A 25 year old renal transplant patient presented with two subcutaneous nodules on the lower limb that appeared 3 years after a second renal transplantation. Biopsy of one nodule showed an EBV associated plasmocytoma located in the subcutaneous tissue. A complete systemic evaluation showed no evidence of extracutaneous involvement. The patient was treated with anti CD2O therapy (rituximab), and complete remission was achieved. Discussion. Extranodular localisations of postransplant lymphoproliferative disorders are usually reported, but cutaneous localizations are rarely described. Histological presentation are various, but plasmocytoma-type is infrequent. Initial therapy of cutaneous EBV-associated postransplant lymphoproliferative disorders without extracutaneous involvement consists in reduction of the immunosuppression therapy and/or an antiviral treatment and prolonged surveillance. Treatment with monoclonal anti-CD2O antibodies (rituximab) is proposed.



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