首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江临床医学》 >PET-CT和CT对老年人胃肠道肿瘤及术后复发转移诊断比较




目的分析正电子发射断层显像/X线计算机体层成像(Positron Emission computed Tomography,PET-CT)和电子计算机X射线断层扫描技术(computer tomography,CT)对老年人胃肠道原发肿瘤和术后复发转移的诊断价值。方法回顾分析同时予PET-CT和CT检查的23例原发胃肠道恶性肿瘤及55例胃肠道肿瘤术后老年患者,肿瘤原发灶及复发转移病灶均经病理证实,对比PET-CT及CT对老年胃肠道肿瘤患者原发灶、术后复发转移的诊断结果。结果 PET-CT对老年人胃肠道肿瘤原发灶诊断准确率为95.7%,CT为77.5%。PET-CT对老年人胃肠道原发肿瘤分期的诊断灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为86.7%,90.0%,91.7%,81.8%,而CT为58.3%,72.7%,70.0%,61.5%。PET-CT对老年胃肠道肿瘤术后患者肿瘤复发转移病灶的诊断灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为94.6%,83.3%,92.1%,88.2%,CT为43.2%,61.1%,69.6%,34.4%。结论 PET-CT对老年人胃肠道原发肿瘤诊断及术后肿瘤复发转移诊断价值高于CT,为老年胃肠道肿瘤患者临床治疗方案选择提供更有效的检查手段。%Objectives To evaluate the value of Positron Emission computed Tomography(PET-CT)and computer tomography(CT)fusion in the detection of primary gastrointestinal tumor and the recurrence or metastasis after gastrointestinal tumor radical correction of the geriatric patients. Methods Retrospectively analyze 23 geriatric patients of primary gastrointestinal tumor and 55 patients after gastrointestinal tumor radical correction all of them underwent both of PET-CT and CT. The diagnosis of primary lesions,recurrence and metastasis were according to pathology. Analyze the diagnostic results of PET-CT and CT. Results: The primary gastrointestinal tumor diagnosis accuracy rate of the geriatric patients for PET-CT was 95.7%(22/23),while for CT was 77.5%(17/22).The sensitivity,specificity,positive predict and negative predict in staging were 86.7%(13/15),90.0%(9/10),91.7%(11/12),81.8%(9/11)for PET-CT,while for CT were 58.3%(7/12),72.7%(8/11),70.0%(7/10),61.5%(8/13). The sensitivity,specificity,positive predict and negative predict of recurrence or metastasis in the geriatric patients after gastrointestinal cancer radical resection were 94.6%(35/37), 83.3%(15/18),92.1%(35/38),88.2%(15/17)for PET-CT,while for CT were 43.2%(16/37),61.1%(11/18), 69.6%(16/23),34.4%(11/32). Conclusion PET-CT is more effective than CT for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal tumor primary lesions and recurrence or metastasis after gastrointestinal cancer radical resection in the geriatric patients. PET-CT can provide more effective methods for the gastrointestinal tumor of geriatric patients’ clinical therapy choices.



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