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Recurrent palaeo-wildfires in a Cisuralian coal seam: A palaeobotanical view on high-inertinite coals from the Lower Permian of the Paraná Basin Brazil




Distribution and abundance of charcoal in coal seams (in form of pyrogenic macerals of the inertinites group) have been considered as a reliable tool to interpret the local and regional palaeo-wildfire regimes in peat-forming depositional environments. Although the occurrence of inertinites is globally well documented for the Late Palaeozoic, the description of palaeobotanical evidence concerning the source plants of such charcoal is so far largely missing. In the present study, we provide the first detailed analysis of macro-charcoal preserved in the Barro Branco coal seam, Rio Bonito Formation, Cisuralian of the Paraná Basin, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Charcoal, in form of macro-charcoal and inertinites, was documented in all the six coal-bearing strata that compose the succession, confirming the occurrence of recurrent palaeo-wildfires during its deposition. Reflectance values indicated a mean charring temperature reaching ~515°C (and up to 1,045°C in excess) and the macro-charcoal exhibits anatomical features of secondary xylem of Agathoxylon. Combination of results derived from palaeobotanical and petrological data demonstrates that gymnosperm-dominated vegetation was repeatedly submitted to fire events and reinforced the hypothesis that Gondwanan mires were high-fire systems during the Cisuralian.
机译:煤层中的木炭分布和丰富(以惰性矿物群的热释石形式)被认为是解释泥炭形成沉积环境中局部和区域古生火制度的可靠工具。尽管全球普遍记录了晚古生代的惰性矿物的存在,但迄今为止,关于这种木炭的来源植物的古植物学证据的描述仍然十分缺乏。在本研究中,我们提供了巴西圣卡塔琳娜州巴拉那盆地西奥拉里奥邦尼托组Barro Branco煤层中保存的大型木炭的首次详细分析。在构成该演替的所有六个含煤地层中都记录了木炭,形式为大木炭和惰质,证实了沉积过程中反复发生的古野火。反射率值表明平均炭化温度达到〜515°C(并且最高达到1,045°C),并且该大型木炭表现出Agathoxylon的次生木质部的解剖特征。从古植物学和岩石学数据得出的结果的结合表明,裸子植物为主的植被反复遭受火事件的影响,并强化了在西索里尔时期冈瓦纳泥潭为高火系统的假说。



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