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Inventory accounting: Taking the lie out of Lie-FO


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We have come to realize that it's long past time to question using LIFO to allocate costs first to the cost of goods sold and then inventory. It has survived since it entered both the Federal Tax Code and GAAP in 1939, which means it's been around longer than most everyone reading these words. That longevity gives LIFO a spot on the Hall of Fame roster of POOP - Pitifully Old and Obsolete Principles. What makes things even worse is that it didn't gain GAAP status because it provides useful information. Instead, LIFO became acceptable simply because Congress bizarrely created it as a new tax policy to avoid taxing so-called paper profits, white simultaneously imposing the "conformity rule" that requires taxpayers to use it in their financial statements. Although electing LIFO allows managers to report a lower taxable income, Congress hoped their distaste for lower reported profits would stop them from adopting it. That deterrent didn't work as planned, but has had the negative consequence of coercing LIFO adopters into providing deficient statements for more than seven decades.



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