
Lean and mean


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The recently announced personnel moves by the Internal Revenue Service, with greater attention to be given compliance issues, may be a boon to the tax preparation industry. "It could have quite a positive impact on tax professionals, because the typical taxpayer wants to have peace of mind in the event he gets a letter from the IRS," said Chuck McCabe, president of Richmond, Va.-based Peoples Income Tax and chairman of the National Association of Tax Business Owners. IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson announced a series of steps, including the involuntary separation of approximately 2,400 employees, to create operational efficiencies and make room for more enforcement positions to be added in 2005. No employee will be laid off before January 2005, according to the IRS.
机译:国税局最近宣布的人员举动,对合规性问题给予了更多关注,这可能对税收准备行业大有裨益。总部设在弗吉尼亚州里士满的人民所得税和金融服务公司总裁查克·麦卡比说:“这可能会对税务专业人士产生积极影响,因为典型的纳税人希望在收到IRS的来信时安心。”全国税务企业主协会主席。美国国税局局长马克·埃弗森(Mark W. Everson)宣布了一系列步骤,包括非自愿离职约2,400名员工,以提高运营效率并为在2005年增设更多执法职位留出空间。据称,2005年1月之前不会裁员。国税局。



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