首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems >Interception of Multiple Low-Power Linear Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Signals

Interception of Multiple Low-Power Linear Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Signals


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Many modern radar systems are overcoming the need for highpower transmitters by utilizing low peak-power, high duty-cycle waveforms, making noncooperative detection methods by traditional electronic surveillance a difficult task. This technological difficulty is driving a need for computationally tractable detection and characterization algorithms. Here, a practical method for detecting and fully characterizing an arbitrary number of low-power linear frequency modulated continuous wave (LFMCW) radar signals is achieved by dividing the time-domain signal into contiguous segments and treating each signal segment as a sum of harmonic components corrupted by noise with an unknown, time-varying power spectral density. This method is developed analytically and evaluated experimentally, revealing that the practicality of the method comes at the expense of a loss in estimation accuracy when compared to the Cramer-Rao lower bound. Experimental results indicate that the parameters of two simultaneous LFMCW signals can be estimated to within 10% of their true values with probability greater than 90% when input signal-to-noise ratios are -10 dB and above with a 25 MHz bandwidth receiver.
机译:通过利用低峰值功率,高占空比波形,许多现代雷达系统克服了对高功率发射器的需求,这使得传统电子监视的非合作检测方法成为一项艰巨的任务。这种技术上的困难促使人们需要在计算上易于处理的检测和表征算法。在此,通过将时域信号划分为连续的段并将每个信号段作为谐波分量的总和,从而实现一种检测和完全表征任意数量的低功率线性调频连续波(LFMCW)雷达信号的实用方法被未知的,随时间变化的功率谱密度的噪声破坏。该方法经过分析开发和实验评估,表明与Cramer-Rao下限相比,该方法的实用性是以估计精度的损失为代价的。实验结果表明,当输入带宽为25 MHz的接收器的信噪比为-10 dB或更高时,两个同时LFMCW信号的参数可以估计为真实值的10%以内,概率大于90%。



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