
Nostradamus: An OTH Radar


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ONERA, funded by the French Ministry of Defence has conducted the realization and experimentations of the Doppler Skywave OTH radar called NOSTRADAMUS. One of the main characteristics of Skywave OTH radar is the dependence to the ionosphere for successful operation. The use of the HF band allows Skywave OTH radar to bounce radio waves from the ionosphere, receiving tiny signals back from reflecting surfaces as the sea, islands, ships and aircraft. The knowledge of the behavior of the ionosphere in a real time configuration is of primary importance because it influences on the choice of frequencies. Radars systems require developing a real-time frequency management system (FMS) using prediction program or measurements supplied by vertical or oblique sounders. The French OTH radar concept has been developed and implemented so that the radar could be completely autonomous with respect to others "ionospheric information providers." This paper presents the NOSTRADAMUS system, the frequency management system, and shows some results obtained during the past years
机译:由法国国防部资助的ONERA进行了多普勒天波超视距雷达NOSTRADAMUS的实现和试验。天波OTH雷达的主要特征之一是成功运行需要依靠电离层。借助HF频段,Skywave OTH雷达可以从电离层反射无线电波,从反射表面(如海洋,岛屿,船只和飞机)接收微小的信号。了解电离层在实时配置中的行为至关重要,因为它会影响频率的选择。雷达系统需要使用预测程序或垂直或倾斜测深仪提供的测量值来开发实时频率管理系统(FMS)。法国的OTH雷达概念已经得到开发和实施,因此该雷达可以相对于其他“电离层信息提供者”完全自治。本文介绍了NOSTRADAMUS系统,即频率管理系统,并显示了过去几年中获得的一些结果



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