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Aging avionics: the problems and the challenges


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Aging avionics have become a problem because aircraft are being kept in service far longer than the original plan. This paper discusses the four key problems of aging avionics: (1) determining the systems that are the high cost drivers in order to select those that should receive priority; (2) determining the requirements for the replacement; (3) identifying alternative technologies that will satisfy the requirements and are affordable; and (4) determining the funding required and acquiring the funding needed to replace the aging avionics. Challenges encountered in solving these problems include management and technical. The problem of aging avionics is not limited to a single aircraft, but occurs across all aircraft. Cost-effective modernization requires cutting horizontally across all aging aircraft, and coordination with the end users and the existing management structure. A key technical challenge is to select an architecture that is upgradeable since the funding limitations may ensure parts will become obsolete prior to the completion of a drawn-out production.
机译:航空电子设备老化已经成为一个问题,因为飞机的服役期比原计划的要长得多。本文讨论了航空电子设备老化的四个关键问题:(1)确定系统是成本高昂的驱动程序,以便选择应优先考虑的系统; (二)确定更换要求; (3)确定满足要求并负担得起的替代技术; (4)确定所需的资金并获得更换老化的航空电子设备所需的资金。解决这些问题遇到的挑战包括管理和技术。航空电子设备老化的问题不仅限于一架飞机,而是遍及所有飞机。具有成本效益的现代化要求在所有老化的飞机上水平削减,并与最终用户和现有管理结构进行协调。一项关键的技术挑战是选择一种可升级的架构,因为资金限制可能会确保零件在完成生产之前就已过时。



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