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J. Robinson Risner, 1925-2013

机译:罗宾逊·里斯纳(J. Robinson Risner),1925-2013年

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James Robinson Risner, a Korean War ace who gained world attention as a Vietnam War combat pilot and leader of fellow prisoners of war in the infamous "Hanoi Hilton" during more than seven years of captivity, died Oct. 22 at the age of 88. He was the first living recipient of the Air Force Cross and one of only a handful of airmen to be awarded the medal twice. Risner's gutsy airmanship led to noteworthy victories, but he also helped create a code of conduct for POWs that endures to this day. Born in Mammoth Spring, Ark., in 1925, Risner grew up in Oklahoma, the son of a sharecropper. At 18, he enlisted as an aviation cadet in the Army, receiving his wings and commission in May 1944.Though he requested World War II combat duty, he was assigned to fly fighters in Panama.
机译:朝鲜战争王牌詹姆斯·罗宾逊·里斯纳(James Robinson Risner)作为越战战斗飞行员和战俘头目而在举世闻名的“河内希尔顿”(Hanoi Hilton)囚禁了七年多,举世瞩目,他于10月22日去世,享年88岁。他是空军十字勋章的第一个活着的接受者,并且是少数获得两次勋章的飞行员之一。里斯纳(Risner)勇敢的飞行技巧带来了引人注目的胜利,但他还帮助制定了战俘行为准则,这一准则一直持续到今天。里斯纳(Risner)于1925年出生于阿肯色州猛玛斯普林(Macmmoth Spring),他在一个农作物的儿子俄克拉荷马州长大。 18岁时,他应征入伍担任陆军航空学员,并于1944年5月获得了机翼和任务。尽管他要求参加第二次世界大战的战斗任务,但仍被分配到巴拿马的战斗机人员。



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