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Both presidential candidates' views on defense procurement may become clearer next month when Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.) square off in the first of three nationally televised debates. Foreign policy and national security will be the primary topics at the first debate Sept. 26 at the University of Mississippi. Obama and McCain both favor changes to the national security budget, which worries industry (AW&ST June 30, p. 54). The Aerospace Industries Assn. says it's made some progress with the campaigns about potential defense research and procurement cuts. But AIA concedes neither camp is ready yet for discussions at the level of detail the trade group provided in a series of reports this year. The latest calls for devoting 4% of the nation's gross domestic product to the Pentagon's budget, and seeks to increase annual defense procurement from about $104 billion, to between $120 billion and $150 billion. Lobbyists say they'll have to ramp up efforts after the election to educate the next administration, which faces a new Quadrennial Defense Review next year.
机译:当参议员约翰·麦凯恩(R-Ariz。)和巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)(伊利诺伊州)在三场全国电视转播辩论的第一场辩论中脱颖而出时,两位总统候选人对国防采购的看法可能会在下个月变得更加清晰。外交政策和国家安全将是9月26日在密西西比大学举行的第一次辩论的主要主题。奥巴马和麦凯恩都赞成改变国家安全预算,这令业界担忧(AW&ST 6月30日,第54页)。航空航天工业协会。他说,有关潜在国防研究和削减采购的活动取得了一些进展。但是友邦保险承认,这两个阵营都还没有准备好就贸易集团在今年一系列报告中提供的细节进行讨论。最新的呼吁是将美国国内生产总值(GDP)的4%用于五角大楼的预算,并力图将年度国防采购额从约1040亿美元增加到1200亿美元至1500亿美元之间。游说者说,他们必须在大选后加大力度,对下一届政府进行教育,下一届政府明年将面临新的《四年一度国防评估》。



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