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Less Will Continue To Be More


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"If a man gives no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand. " Confucius No one can predict the future with enough certainty to make the exercise completely worthwhile. But, as Confucius implies, thinking about the future is required in order to change it. But first we must understand where we are. Travelers have access to the world at fare levels 50% lower, in real terms, than they were 25 years ago. Unfortunately, the major airlines have cost structures unsupported by current and forecasted revenue levels. With notable exceptions, the industry is not fit for long-term investment. Outdated labor laws and expensive contracts, negotiated in a bygone era, as well as irrational pricing, capacity decision-making at the industry level and antitrust laws that prevent needed consolidation, are rife. The big unionized "legacy" airlines with under-' funded pension plans are in trouble. The faster-growing low-cost airlines are driving the older, more expensive work- force airlines to restructure costs - good news for consumers. Occasional shocks such as major global economic events, more SARS-like outbreaks or terrorist acts cast their shadows, and insurance and security costs will drag down the pace of change. This is reality.



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