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Managing Risk and Crisis Communication


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As I write this editorial, the United States has been experiencing its first cases of Ebola, a lethal virus that has killed many in West Africa. I would like to say that risk and crisis communications have been handled effectively, but, alas, that is far from the reality. When Thomas Eric Duncan arrived in the emergency room of Texas Health Presbyterian in Dallas, Texas, the first time, he was sent home with antibiotics, even though it was known that he had recently arrived from Liberia. Somehow, doctors and nurses were unable to interpret the meanings of both his clinical signs and travel history. Later, when he returned and was found to have Ebola, staff members were clearly unprepared for what to do, and this was hardly their fault. The hospital, even though it was the only Texas hospital to have been honored with the premier AEIX Risk Management Award in 2013, clearly failed to manage both risk and communication. Risk communication, as usually defined, addresses dangers to the environment or health, and crisis communication deals with a situation that has already gone wrong.
机译:在我撰写这篇社论时,美国正在经历埃博拉病毒的首例病例,埃博拉病毒是一种致命病毒,已经杀死了西非的许多人。我想说,风险和危机沟通已得到有效处理,但是,事实并非如此。托马斯·埃里克·邓肯(Thomas Eric Duncan)第一次到达德克萨斯州达拉斯的得克萨斯州健康长老会急诊室时,尽管已知他最近从利比里亚抵达,他还是被送回了抗生素。不知何故,医生和护士无法解释他的临床体征和旅行史的含义。后来,当他返回并被发现患有埃博拉病毒时,工作人员显然没有做好准备的准备,这几乎不是他们的错。该医院尽管是得克萨斯州唯一获得2013年AEIX风险管理大奖的医院,但显然未能同时管理风险和沟通。正如通常所定义的,风险沟通解决了对环境或健康的危害,而危机沟通则处理了已经出错的情况。



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