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A Fifth Startup? It's all in a Workday


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DAVE DUFFIELD WAS alone in a hotel room 3,000 miles from home when he got the news that PeopleSoft Inc., the company he had started and built over 17 years into a software powerhouse, had been snatched away. It was Dec. 10, 2004, and Duffield was preparing to give testimony in a shareholder lawsuit when the call came from longtime colleague Aneel Bhusri. "I've got some very bad news" was all he needed to hear. PeopleSoffs independent board members had voted to accept an enhanced 10.3 billion dollars buyout from Oracle Corp., the megacompetitor Duffield had taken to calling "the bad guys"' because he feared there would be layoffs and product cuts if it took over. He felt like someone had punched him in the gut. "I was in the middle of nowhere," he recalls. "It was totally depressing."
机译:戴夫·杜菲(DAVE DUFFIELD)独自一人住在离家3000英里的一家旅馆房间里,当时他得知有消息称,他创办并发展了17年之久的软件公司PeopleSoft Inc.已被抢走。那是2004年12月10日,当长期同事阿内尔·布斯里(Aneel Bhusri)打来电话时,杜菲尔德准备在股东诉讼中作证。他只需要听到“我有一个非常不好的消息”。 PeopleSoffs独立董事投票表决同意接受甲骨文公司103亿美元的收购要约,超级竞争对手杜菲尔德则称其为“坏人”,因为他担心如果接管该公司将裁员和裁员。他觉得有人在肠子上拳打他。他回忆说:“我当时茫茫人海。” “那完全令人沮丧。”



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