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Are Change Order Disputes an Excuse to Walk Off a Job?


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While change orders are a fact of life on most construction projects, questions frequently arise as to the right that sub-contractors have to be paid for extra work. Is payment to the subcontractor contingent on the general contractor being paid by the owner? What happens if the change order is issued by the general contractor and the owner has nothing to do with the change? The best way to answer these questions is to look at the subcontract agreement and determine how it addresses the change process. If the subcontract is not clear about the process, there can be major consequences. This is demonstrated by a recent case, Fox v. Mountain West Electric, Inc., which grew out of a project on which Lockheed Martin Idaho Technical Company (LMITCO) contracted with Mountain West Electric, Inc. (MWE), to install a fire alarm system in its facilities in Idaho Falls, Idaho. LMITCO awarded MWE the contract in May 1996, and MWE subcontracted with Rodney Fox to design and test the fire alarm system, order some of the equipment, and assist in the installation of the system.
机译:尽管变更单在大多数建筑项目中已成事实,但经常会出现这样的问题,即必须为分包商支付额外工作的权利。向分包商的付款是否取决于总承包商是否由业主支付?如果变更合同是由总承包商签发的,而业主与变更无关,该怎么办?回答这些问题的最佳方法是查看分包协议并确定其如何解决变更过程。如果分包合同的流程不明确,则可能会造成重大后果。最近的一宗Fox诉Mountain West Electric,Inc.案证明了这一点,该案源于洛克希德·马丁·爱达荷州技术公司(LMITCO)与Mountain West Electric,Inc.(MWE)签订合同安装火源的项目。在爱达荷州爱达荷瀑布市的设施中安装了警报系统。 LMITCO于1996年5月授予MWE合同,MWE与Rodney Fox进行了分包,以设计和测试火灾报警系统,订购一些设备,并协助系统的安装。



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