首页> 外文期刊>Wastes Management >WHAT PRICE SUCCESS?



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And the lucky numbers are: 140, 230, 40, 24, 4.3,135. No, not this week's Lotto numbers, but some of the money (in millions of pounds) handed out or promised to English, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland's local authorities to improve recycling rates over the last two years. Now, I was never great at maths at school but when added together these make a formidable £573.3 million. I'm not even sure that I've done my research right as there are probably funding awards that have escaped my notice in recent months and, of course, there are considerable community and private finance funds to add in as well. It's an impressive chunk of money that I am sure many other sectors would welcome with open arms. So has local government been grateful? Well, yes, to a point but with the continual refrain of "welcomed, but please sir we want some more"! This may seem a bit churlish, but there is a reason for this perhaps less than welcoming approach. Like much in the UK ― transport and energy, for example ― waste has received little by way of investment in infrastructure over the last decades. It is not a party political point but a reality that successive governments have failed to invest both funding and serious policy direction into making waste more sustainable in the latter part of the 20th century. The funding above has been used for capital investment in much-needed new facilities. The questions to be addressed are whether these funds have been invested wisely and whether more will be needed.



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