首页> 外文期刊>Cold War History >Do all paths lead to Moscow? The NATO dual-track decision and the peace movement - a critique

Do all paths lead to Moscow? The NATO dual-track decision and the peace movement - a critique




This article presents elements of a novel approach to the study of social movements in a Cold War context. Using peace activism in West Germany during the 1980s as a case study, this article argues for a conceptualisation of social movement activism that moves beyond the ideological divides of the Cold War and a functional understanding of politics. Instead, this article highlights the multi-layered, fractured and contested nature of activism and shows how peace activists engaged in debates about the meanings of ‘peace’, ‘security’, and ‘democracy’ rather than merely representing ‘Communist’ interests.View full textDownload full textRelated var addthis_config = { ui_cobrand: "Taylor & Francis Online", services_compact: "citeulike,netvibes,twitter,technorati,delicious,linkedin,facebook,stumbleupon,digg,google,more", pubid: "ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b" }; Add to shortlist Link Permalink http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14682745.2011.625160
机译:本文介绍了一种在冷战时期研究社会运动的新颖方法的要素。本文以1980年代西德的和平行动主义为案例研究,主张对社会运动行动主义进行概念化,以超越冷战的意识形态鸿沟和对政治的实用理解。取而代之的是,本文着重强调了激进主义的多面性,破裂和有争议的性质,并显示了和平主义者如何就“和平”,“安全”和“民主”的含义进行辩论。而不是仅仅代表“共产主义者”的利益。 google,more“,发布号:” ra-4dff56cd6bb1830b“};添加到候选列表链接永久链接http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14682745.2011.625160



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