
Jewish Cyber-Theology


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The place of the Internet in the Jewish religious experience is undoubted. No less than in other religions, the Internet has created a revolution in accessibility to information about Judaism and Jewish-related matters. A search of Google in 2007 discovered that Judaism had 15,900,000 hits (Patrick, 2007, p. 71). By my estimate, there were 8,500 Jewish websites by 2005 (Cohen, 2006). These may be broken into grassroots groups and individuals, organizational, Jewish-related and Israel-related news, and commercial. Religious content in the the grassroots group and individual categories includes the Bible, commentaries, the Talmud, and Jewish law codes. Sites enable the surfer to partci-pate in the daily study of a page of the Talmud (the daf Yomei) and hear inspirational talks about the weekly Torah reading (divrei Torah). This category includes a number of Jewish outreach programs; among early leaders in identifying the potential of the Net were Habad and Aish Torah. Organizations include the Conservative, Orthodox, and Reform religious movements; synagogues; and community organizations, with listings of synagogues, kosher restaurants, places of Jewish interest, and other services. The news category includes the website versions of Jewish and Israeli newspapers. The commercial category, which was relatively late in developing on the web, today sells most current Jewish books and Judaica.
机译:互联网在犹太宗教经验中的地位是毋庸置疑的。互联网不亚于其他宗教,在获取有关犹太教和犹太人相关信息的过程中掀起了一场革命。在2007年对Google进行的搜索中发现,犹太教获得了1,590万次点击(Patrick,2007年,第71页)。据我估计,到2005年,已有8500个犹太人网站(Cohen,2006年)。这些可以分为基层团体和个人,组织,与犹太有关和与以色列有关的新闻以及商业新闻。基层团体和个人类别中的宗教内容包括圣经,注释,塔木德和犹太法律法规。网站使冲浪者可以参与对塔木德(Talmud)(戴夫·尤梅(daf Yomei))页面的日常研究,并听取有关每周阅读《摩西五经》的励志性演讲(divrei Torah)。此类别包括许多犹太宣传计划;哈巴德(Habad)和艾西·托拉(Aish Torah)是确定网络潜力的早期领导者之一。组织包括保守派,东正教派和改革派宗教运动;犹太教堂;和社区组织,其中包括犹太教堂,犹太餐厅,犹太人感兴趣的地方以及其他服务的清单。新闻类别包括犹太和以色列报纸的网站版本。在网络上开发相对较晚的商业类别,今天出售最新的犹太书籍和犹太书。



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