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After they were famous


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Compared to most industries, personal computing has a short history. In just a few decades, the PC arena has grown from niche-interest beginnings to become a globally pervasive tool of modern life. Today's computer and video games companies are some of the most successful businesses on the planet; generating multibillion-pound profits off the back of unthinkable levels of revenue. Like most mature commercial arenas, a lew giant corporations now dominate the world of technology - the likes of Hewlett-Packard, Dell and IBM. And, in common with other big businesses, the management of such firms resembles a roll call of anonymous men in grey suits. However, from its mid-1970s genesis, when pallid geeks brandishing soldering irons would decamp to garden sheds and garages to piece together early microprocessors and memory chips, through the heady era of the dotcom boom (and bust) to the current day, the computer industry's development has thrown up its fair share of personalities, Many of these luminaries had revolutionary ideas that attracted the attention of financial movers and shakers; while the fame and fortune found others who were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. The odd one or two fitted the potty professor image favoured by tabloid newspaper editors and a few more besides built their careers on charisma and good looks. In short, these are all people on whom, for one reason or another, the limelight has shone. Of course, celebrity is fickle and fame's flame can quickly flicker out. If you've ever wondered what became of once well known computer-industry names, well, so did we. We set out to track down some of the biggest industry names of times past in order to catch up with their careers. We had success and failure in roughly equal measure, so read on to find out who talked and who baulked.



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