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Using an online collaborative project between American and Chinese students to develop ESL teaching skills, cross-cultural awareness and language skills


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The purpose of this study was to explore the potential of computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools to facilitate second language acquisition and develop English as a second language (ESL) teaching skills and cultural awareness. The paper describes a collaborative online project between students from China and the USA. who communicated using the discussion board and e-mail tools on blackboard for tutoring and learning different aspects of English grammar and for developing culture awareness. Twenty-three American students from an ESL teaching program were paired up with 26 Chinese first-year English majors and tutored them on grammar structures that they selected after analyzing the Chinese students' introductory essays on American life and culture for grammar mistakes. The tutorials addressed specific grammar points and were presented through texts that described different aspects of American culture. The Chinese students used the discussion board and e-mail as well as Skype to communicate with their American partners and at the end of the project wrote a second essay on the same topic which was analyzed for grammar errors by the American students. The results from analyzing the students' postings, essays, and interviews suggest that the two groups benefited in three areas: (1) improving teaching skills through tutoring non-native speakers of English; (2) developing cross-cultural awareness; and (3) improving non-native speakers' language skills. This study demonstrates that CMC can be used to help students from two different countries and two different programs to improve their skills in their field of study and at the same time to develop cross-cultural awareness.
机译:这项研究的目的是探索计算机介导的交流(CMC)工具在促进第二语言习得和发展英语作为第二语言(ESL)的教学技能和文化意识方面的潜力。本文介绍了中美两国学生之间的在线合作项目。他使用黑板上的讨论板和电子邮件工具进行交流,以辅导和学习英语语法的各个方面,并提高文化意识。 23名来自ESL教学计划的美国学生与26名中文一年级英语专业学生配对,并在分析了中国学生针对美国生活和文化的语法错误入门论文后,针对他们选择的语法结构进行了辅导。这些教程解决了特定的语法问题,并通过描述了美国文化各个方面的文本进行了介绍。中国学生使用讨论板和电子邮件以及Skype与美国合作伙伴进行交流,并在项目结束时撰写了有关同一主题的第二篇文章,美国学生对此文进行了语法错误分析。通过对学生的发帖,论文和访谈进行分析的结果表明,这两类人在三个方面受益:(1)通过辅导非英语母语者提高教学技能; (2)培养跨文化意识; (3)提高非母语人士的语言能力。这项研究表明,CMC可用于帮助来自两个不同国家和两个不同计划的学生提高其学习领域的技能,并同时发展跨文化意识。



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