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Blockchain reputation-based consensus: A scalable and resilient mechanism for distributed mistrusting applications


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Consensus mechanisms in blockchain applications allow mistrusting peers to agree on the global state of the chain. Most of the existing consensus mechanisms, however, are constrained by low efficiency and high energy consumption. In this paper, we propose the Blockchain Reputation-Based Consensus (BRBC) mechanism in which a node must have the reputation score higher than a given network trust threshold before being allowed to insert a new block in the chain. A randomly-selected set of judges monitors the behaviour of each node involved in the consensus and updates the node reputation score. Every cooperative behaviour results in a reward, and a noncooperative or malicious behaviour results in a punishment. BRBC also uses the reputation score to revoke access to nodes with a reputation score below a given threshold. We present a security analysis, and we demonstrate that BRBC resists against a set of known attacks in the blockchain network. Finally, we simulate a blockchain network to assert the mechanism scalability and resilience to malicious actions in various network scenarios and different rates of malicious actions. The results show BRBC to be efficient to expel all nodes that acted with more than 50% of malicious actions.
机译:区间申请中的共识机制允许不信任同行达成同意全球链条的达成一致。然而,大多数现有的共识机制受到低效率和高能耗的限制。在本文中,我们提出了基于区块的信誉的信誉 - 基于信誉的共识(BRBC)机制,其中节点必须具有高于给定网络信任阈值的信誉得分,然后允许在链中插入新块。随机选定的一组法官监视了共识中所涉及的每个节点的行为,并更新节点信誉分数。每个合作行为都会导致奖励,非自由度或恶意行为导致惩罚。 BRBC还使用声誉分数来撤消对具有低于给定阈值以下的信誉得分的节点的访问。我们提出了一种安全分析,我们证明BRBC抵抗区块链网络中的一组已知攻击。最后,我们模拟了一个区块链网络,以便在各种网络场景中对其进行恶意行动的机制可扩展性和恢复力以及不同的恶意行为。结果显示BRBC有效地驱逐所有符合超过50%的恶意行为的节点。



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