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Dissemination and Reception of The Communist Manifesto in Italy: From the Origins to 1945


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Contrary to the predictions that after 1989 Karl Marx would fall into oblivion, Marx has returned to the attention of international scholars. One hundred and sixty years after it was written, the Manifesto of the Communist Party is celebrated as the text which contains the most formidable prediction of capitalist development on a world scale. This article considers how the writings of Marx and Engels were translated and assimilated in Italy, from its first appearance in 1889 to 1945 and, more generally, explores the misinterpretations of the fortune of Marx's works in Italy. From a close examination of the press of the newly established workers' movement and the first socialist writings, the reality of a counterfeited and theoretically impoverished 'Marxism' emerges. Antonio Labriola's Essays on the Materialist Conception of History, which were published between 1895 and 1897, were the only works in Italy that offered a rigorous interpretation capable of measuring up to the European levels of Marxism. Through the historiographical reconstruction of translated works and the development of the interpretations of Marx and Engels' The Communist Manifesto, this article considers the debate on the 'crisis of Marxism' of the late 19th century in which Benedetto Croce was the most important figure, the limitations of the diffusion of Marx's theories in the Italian Socialist Party, the struggle between reformist and the union-revolutionary revisionism of the early 20th century and the repression of 20 years of fascism.
机译:与1989年以后卡尔·马克思将被遗忘的预言相反,马克思又重新引起了国际学者的关注。成文一百六十周年之际,《共产党宣言》作为其中包含了世界范围内对资本主义发展的最强大预测的文字而著称。本文考虑了从1889年到1945年首次出现在意大利的马克思和恩格斯著作是如何被翻译和吸收的,并且更广泛地探讨了对马克思在意大利的命运的误解。通过仔细观察新成立的工人运动的新闻和第一批社会主义著作,发现了伪造的,理论上贫困的“马克思主义”的现实。安东尼奥·拉布里奥拉(Antonio Labriola)于1895年至1897年之间发表的《关于唯物主义历史观的散文》是意大利唯一提供能够对欧洲的马克思主义水平进行严格解释的严格著作。通过翻译作品的史学重构和马克思恩格斯《共产党宣言》的诠释,本文考虑了19世纪末期的“马克思主义危机”辩论,其中贝内德托·克罗齐是最重要的人物,马克思理论在意大利社会党中传播的局限性,改革派与20世纪初期的工会革命修正主义之间的斗争以及对法西斯主义20年的镇压。



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