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Clausewitz for Conflicts in 21st Century


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Carl Von Clausewitz (1780-1831) is one of the thinkers of the 19th century who analysed war and its various characteristics based on his experience and the literature of the time. His book On War (published posthumously in Prussia as Vom Kriege in 1832), is considered most important single work on theory of warfare and strategy and is now being interpreted by militaries, businessmen and political scientists alike. His thoughts are considered to influence the thinking of Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke in the wars of German unification (1864, 1866, 1870-71). It is also claimed that George Patton and Dwight Eisenhower were also influenced by his concepts. His works have gained further significance on becoming part of the curriculum at United States (US) War colleges since 1978. Some critics believe the concepts and principles advanced by Clausewitz are limited to his own era as they are solely based on his experiences as a professional soldier. They believe they are relevant to the western model of a nation state and not applicable to unconventional wars; conversely, others argue his ideas are universal and remain applicable to any war. In order to address this dilemma, the literature of two authors, Simpson2 and Echevarria have been analysed on the relevance of Clausewitz to the conflict of 21st century.
机译:卡尔·冯·克劳塞维茨(Carl Von Clausewitz,1780-1831年)是19世纪的思想家之一,他根据他的经验和当时的文献分析了战争及其各种特征。他的著作《战争》(于1832年在普鲁士死后以沃姆·克里格(Vom Kriege)的身份出版)被认为是关于战争和战略理论的最重要的单本著作,如今正被军队,商人和政治学家解读。他的思想被认为影响了德国统一战争(1864,1866,1870-71)中的元帅赫尔姆特·冯·莫尔特克的思想。据说乔治·巴顿和德怀特·艾森豪威尔也受到他的观念的影响。自1978年以来,他的作品就成为美国战争大学课程的一部分,具有进一步的意义。一些评论家认为,Clausewitz提出的概念和原则仅限于他自己的时代,因为它们完全基于他作为专业人士的经验士兵。他们认为,这与民族国家的西方模式有关,不适用于非常规战争。相反,其他人则认为他的思想具有普遍性,并适用于任何战争。为了解决这个难题,对Simpson2和Echevarria这两位作者的文献进行了分析,分析了Clausewitz与21世纪冲突的相关性。



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