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Health numeracy in Japan: measures of basic numeracy account for framing bias in a highly numerate population




Background Health numeracy is an important factor in how well people make decisions based on medical risk information. However, in many countries, including Japan, numeracy studies have been limited. Methods To fill this gap, we evaluated health numeracy levels in a sample of Japanese adults by translating two well-known scales that objectively measure basic understanding of math and probability: the 3-item numeracy scale developed by Schwartz and colleagues (the Schwartz scale) and its expanded version, the 11-item numeracy scale developed by Lipkus and colleagues (the Lipkus scale). Results Participants’ performances (n?=?300) on the scales were much higher than in original studies conducted in the United States (80% average item-wise correct response rate for Schwartz-J, and 87% for Lipkus-J). This high performance resulted in a ceiling effect on the distributions of both scores, which made it difficult to apply parametric statistical analysis, and limited the interpretation of statistical results. Nevertheless, the data provided some evidence for the reliability and validity of these scales: The reliability of the Japanese versions (Schwartz-J and Lipkus-J) was comparable to the original in terms of their internal consistency (Cronbach’s α?=?0.53 for Schwartz-J and 0.72 for Lipkus-J). Convergent validity was suggested by positive correlations with an existing Japanese health literacy measure (the Test for Ability to Interpret Medical Information developed by Takahashi and colleagues) that contains some items relevant to numeracy. Furthermore, as shown in the previous studies, health numeracy was still associated with framing bias with individuals whose Lipkus-J performance was below the median being significantly influenced by how probability was framed when they rated surgical risks. A significant association was also found using Schwartz-J, which consisted of only three items. Conclusions Despite relatively high levels of health numeracy according to these scales, numeracy measures are still important determinants underlying susceptibility to framing bias. This suggests that it is important in Japan to identify individuals with low numeracy skills so that risk information can be presented in a way that enables them to correctly understand it. Further investigation is required on effective numeracy measures for such an intervention in Japan.
机译:背景技术健康计算能力是人们根据医疗风险信息做出决策的能力的重要因素。但是,在包括日本在内的许多国家,算术研究受到限制。方法为了填补这一空白,我们通过翻译两个众所周知的量表来评估日本成年人的健康计算水平,这些量表客观地衡量了对数学和概率的基本理解:Schwartz和同事们开发的3项计算量表(Schwartz量表)以及它的扩展版本,由Lipkus和同事开发的11个项目的计算量表(Lipkus量表)。结果参与者在量表上的表现(n?=?300)远高于美国进行的原始研究(Schwartz-J的平均逐项正确回答率为80%,Lipkus-J的平均为87%)。如此高的性能对两个得分的分布产生了上限效应,这使得很难应用参数统计分析,并且限制了对统计结果的解释。尽管如此,这些数据还是为这些量表的信度和效度提供了一些证据:日文版(Schwartz-J和Lipkus-J)的信度就其内部一致性而言可与原始量表相媲美(Cronbach'sα?=?0.53)。 Schwartz-J,Lipkus-J为0.72)。与现有的日本健康素养测度(高桥及其同事开发的解释医学信息的能力测验)呈正相关,表明收敛效度,该测验包含一些与算术有关的项目。此外,如先前的研究所示,Lipkus-J表现低于中位数的个体的健康计算仍与成帧偏倚相关,这在很大程度上受评估手术风险的可能性如何影响的影响。使用Schwartz-J还发现了一个重要的关联,该关联仅包含三个项目。结论尽管根据这些量表,健康计算的水平相对较高,但计算方法仍然是决定成帧偏倚敏感性的重要决定因素。这表明在日本重要的是要识别具有较低计算能力的个人,以便可以使他们正确理解风险信息的方式提供风险信息。在日本,需要进一步调查有效的算术措施,以便采取这种干预措施。



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