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Manlighet, mod och moral: Amanda Kerfstedts “Carl Bergs skoltid”

机译:阳刚,勇气和道德:阿曼达·科夫斯特(Amanda Kerfstedt)的“卡尔·伯格(Carl Berg)的上学时间”



Masculinity, courage and morality: Amanda Kerfstedt's “Carl Berg's skoltid”. Amanda Kerfstedt's “Carl Bergs skoltid” describes a boy's journey to manhood in late 19th century Sweden. This article pertains that the text contrasts an ideal of masculinity based on physical strength with an ideal emphasizing morality. Although a true man, as described in the story, is expected to be strong as well as righteous, the moral component is the most important. The text shows that courage and force, which are not checked by a sense of ethics, may turn into brutality and abuse of power. Different types of masculinity are compared in “Carl Bergs skoltid” but masculinity is also defined in relation to ideas about femininity. The association with women is utilized to stress a lack of courage in men as well as to redefine a masculine ideal that has focused too much on physical prowess instead of strength of character.
机译:阳刚之气,勇气和道德:阿曼达·克尔弗斯特(Amanda Kerfstedt)的“卡尔·伯格(Carl Berg)的s子”。阿曼达·科夫斯特(Amanda Kerfstedt)的“卡尔·伯格斯·斯科特(Carl Bergs skoltid)”描述了19世纪末瑞典男孩的成年之旅。本文认为,本文将基于身体力量的男性气质理想与强调道德的理想进行了对比。尽管如故事中所述,一个真正的男人应该既坚强又正义,但道德因素是最重要的。文字表明,没有道德观念所约束的勇气和武力可能会变成野蛮和滥用权力。在“ Carl Bergs skoltid”中对不同类型的男性气质进行了比较,但男性气质也与关于女性气质的概念相关联。与女性的联系被用来强调男性缺乏勇气,并重新定义一种过于注重体力而非品格力量的男性理想。



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