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Influence of temperature on population growth in Macrocheles subbadius (Acarina: Mesostigmata)

机译:温度对巴氏巨螯虾(Macrocheles subbadius)种群生长的影响(A螨:Mesostigmata)



Macrocheles subbadius, found in central Italy on dairy cattle and horse manure and in phoresy on nuscid flies, is a coprophilous, arrhenotokous mite that feeds on house fly eggs and living rhabditid nematodes. The morphological characteristics previously described for females (BERLES1E9,0 4) and males (FILIPPONI and PEGAZZAN19O6,3 ) of this species were found to apply completely to the present material and to AXTELL Sm aterial (1963)while EVANSa nd BROWNIN(G19 56) and BREGETOVaAn d KOROLEV1A9 60) reported different characteristics in their material (Macrocheles scutatus sensu Berlese). The procedures described by FILIPPONanId co-workers in similar studies were used in the present experiments, in order to compare their results to those obtained with macrochelid mites that feed on Madsca domestica eggs. The innate capacity for increase of M . subbadizbs was evaluated by calculating r, or its antilog Rm (finite rate of increase), which indicates how many times the population will multiply in one day. Not all the temperatures at which the species can multiply were considered, but only those within the optimal range. This was determined by preliminary stuhes in which two population attributes were considered; the rate of oviposition (Table I) and the duration of preimaginal development (Table 11), both within the 10-400C range. The results indicated a provisional optimal range of 25-33°C, and the tests were conducted at 25, 27, 29, 31, and 330C. Cohorts of 16 females, each composed of two subsamples of 8 each (corresponding to two laboratory cultures of the same field strain) were tested for net fecundity (adult progeny per female), adult female longevity, and fertility rate (adult progeny per female per day) at each of these temperatures. Analysis of variance of the data (Table IV) showed that each of the three population attributes reacted differently to temperature (first value of F), while the two subsamples and the interaction among females (second and third values of F) were not modified. As there were no differences due to subsampling, the data were cumulated, and a comparison of the means (Table V) showed that the maximum net fecundity occurred at 27OC, that the adult female longevity was influenced by temperature (only at 27 and 2gOC was there no apparent influence on longevity, in that the comparison revealed no statistically significant differences), and that the optimal range for the fertilitv rate was 27,- za,oC . In the 25-33OC range the minimum duration of preimaginal development occurred at 31OC for both females and males (Table VI), and analysis of variance (Table VII) showed that males complete their preimaginal development more rapidly than females. To compile the life and fertility tables, and therefore to estimate Rm, the sex ratio had to be determined, nsince this is an arrhenotokous species. By cumulating all the progeny data (Table VIII), the mean sex ratio, expressed as female probability, was found to be 0.449 at 270C. On the basis of these data, the life and fertility table (Table IX) were compiled, and the parameters regarding the capacity for increase (r,; Rm; R, = rate of multiplication per generation; T = mean length of a generation) were defined. In terms of R,, a population of M. subbadius can multiply 1.97 times per day at 2s0C; 2.24 at 270C; 2.37 at 290C; 2.41 at 31OC; and 2.04 at 33%. The values of R, of other macrochelid mites studied bv the same ex~erimenta~l roceduresa nd of U. Musca domestica, the natural food source of these mites, are: for Macrocheles robustulus, 1.96 at 250C; 2.05 at 270C; and 2.03 at 290C: for M. ~eniculatus1, .65 at 240C; 1.76 a t 260C; and 1.70 at 280C: for M. penicilliger, 1-34 at 220C; 1.38 at 240C; and 1.32 at 260C; for M. muscaedomesticae, 2.17 at 280C; 2.47 at 30°C; 2.31 at 32°C; and 2.08 at 34°C: for M. matrius, 1.71 at 24°C; 1.92 at 26°C; 2.10 at 280C; 2.15 at 300C; 2.20 at 320C; 2.25 at 340~; and 1.50 at 360C: for~~usdcoam estica, 1.17 at 240C; 1.45 a t 280C; 1.
机译:Macrocheles subbadius,在意大利中部发现于奶牛和马粪中,又因果蝇而臭名昭著,是一种有亲肠病的无螨类螨,以家蝇卵和活生大戟线虫为食。发现先前描述的该物种的雌性(BERLES1E9,0 4)和雄性(FILIPPONI和PEGAZZAN19O6,3)的形态学特征完全适用于本材料和AXTELL Sm Aterial(1963),而EVANSa nd BROWNIN(G19 56) BREGETOVaAn和d KOROLEV1A9 60)在其材料(Macrocheles scutatus sensu Berlese)中报道了不同的​​特征。 FILIPPONanId同事在类似研究中描述的程序被用于本实验中,以便将其结果与饲喂Madsca家蝇卵的大螯螨获得的结果进行比较。 M的固有能力。通过计算r或其反对数Rm(有限的增长率)来评估subbadizbs,它表示一天中人口将增加多少倍。并未考虑物种能够繁殖的所有温度,仅考虑了最佳范围内的温度。这是由初步研究确定的,其中考虑了两个人口属性。产卵率(表I)和假想发育持续时间(表11)均在10-400C范围内。结果表明暂时的最佳范围是25-33°C,并且测试是在25、27、29、31和330C下进行的。测试了16名雌性的队列,每组由两个子样本组成,每个子样本各有8个子样本(对应于相同田间菌株的两种实验室培养),测试了净繁殖力(每名雌性的成年子代),成年雌性寿命和生育率(每名雌性的成年子代)天)。数据方差分析(表IV)表明,三个总体属性对温度(F的第一个值)的反应不同,而两个子样本和雌性之间的相互作用(F的第二个和第三个值)没有改变。由于二次采样没有差异,因此对数据进行了累计,均值的比较(表V)显示最大净生育力发生在27OC,成年女性的寿命受温度影响(仅在27和2gOC时)。对寿命没有明显影响,因为该比较显示没有统计学上的显着差异),并且受精率的最佳范围是27,-za,oC。在25-33OC范围内,雌性和雄性的最小想象前发育持续时间都在31OC处发生(表VI),方差分析(表VII)显示,雄性比雌性更快完成其想象前发育。为了汇编寿命和生育率表,并因此估计Rm,必须确定性别比,因为这是一种无齿动物。通过累加所有后代数据(表),在270℃下平均性别比(以雌性概率表示)为0.449。在这些数据的基础上,编制了寿命和生育率表(表IX),以及有关增加能力的参数(r,Rm; R,=每代的繁殖率; T =平均一代的长度)被定义。就R而言,subbadius种群每天可在2s0C乘以1.97倍; 2.24在270°C; 290°C时为2.37; 31OC时为2.41;和2.04(占33%)。在相同的实验条件下,作为家蝇的天然食物来源的美国家蝇(U. Musca domestica),研究的其他大螯螨的R值分别为:稳健Macrocheles,250°C时为1.96; 270°C时为2.05; 290℃时为2.03:〜eniculatus1,240℃时为0.65; 1.76吨260℃; 280℃时为1.70:青霉菌为220℃时为1-34。 240℃时为1.38;和1.32在260C;对于M. muscaedomesticae,在280℃下为2.17; 30°C时为2.47;在32°C时为2.31;在34°C时为2.08:对于M. matrius,在24°C时为1.71;在26°C时为1.92; 2.10在280C;在300C时为2.15; 2.20在320C; 2.25在340〜;在360°C时为1.50:对于usdcoam estica,在240°C下为1.17; 1.45吨/ 280℃; 1。



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