首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Physics Theories and Applications >P-V Criticality Of Topological Black Holes In Lovelock-Born-Infeld Gravity, Phase Transitions, Geometrothermodynamics And Critical Exponents Of Black Holes, Strong Gravitational Lensing In A Brane-World Black Hole, Strong Coupling In Ho?ava Gravity...

P-V Criticality Of Topological Black Holes In Lovelock-Born-Infeld Gravity, Phase Transitions, Geometrothermodynamics And Critical Exponents Of Black Holes, Strong Gravitational Lensing In A Brane-World Black Hole, Strong Coupling In Ho?ava Gravity...




Monitoring the orbits of stars around (e&eb) Sgr A* offers(eb)the possibility of detecting (e&eb) the precession of (e) their orbital planes due to (e) frame dragging, of (e) measuring the spin and quadrupole moment of (e) the black hole, and of (e)testing the no-hair theorem. Here authors investigate whether the deviations of stellar orbits from (e) test-particle trajectories due to (e) wind mass loss and (e&eb) tidal dissipation of (e) the orbital energy compromise such measurements. Authors find that the effects of stellar winds are (=), in general, negligible. On the other hand, for the most eccentric orbits (e>0.96) for which an optical interferometer, such as GRAVITY, will detect orbital plane precession due to (e) frame dragging, the tidal dissipation of orbital energy occurs at (eb) timescales comparable to....The full paper: http://www.iiste.org/PDFshare/APTA-PAGENO-487785-493061.pdf.
机译:监视(e&eb)Sgr A *周围的恒星的轨道可提供(eb)检测(e&eb)由于​​(e)框架拖动,(e)测量自旋和四极矩而引起(e)轨道平面进动的可能性。 (e)黑洞,以及(e)测试无毛定理。在这里,作者研究了由于(e)风量损失和(e&eb)潮汐耗散(e)轨道能量而导致的(e)测试粒子轨迹与恒星轨道的偏离是否损害了这种测量。作者发现,恒星风的影响通常可以忽略不计。另一方面,对于最偏心的轨道(e> 0.96),光学干涉仪(例如GRAVITY)将由于(e)帧拖拽而检测到轨道平面进动,因此轨道能量的潮汐耗散发生在(eb)时标相当于...。全文:http://www.iiste.org/PDFshare/APTA-PAGENO-487785-493061.pdf。



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