首页> 外文期刊>Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences >Sudden worsening of DRESS syndrome on tapering steroid dose with dramatic improvement on N-acetylcysteine and steroid dose escalation

Sudden worsening of DRESS syndrome on tapering steroid dose with dramatic improvement on N-acetylcysteine and steroid dose escalation




DRESS syndrome (Drug Reaction with Eosiophilia and Systemic Symptoms) is a serious and life-threatening drug reaction characterized by fever, skin rash, peripheral eosinophilia, presence of atypical lymphocytes in peripheral blood smear, generalized lymphadenopathy and involvement of other body organs. The only agreed upon therapy for DRESS syndrome in literature is withholding the culprit drug. There are no controlled trials on the use of steroids in this condition. The optimal dose of corticosteroids, the duration of therapy and their effect on mortality is unknown. Reports on the use of N-acetylcysteine in DRESS syndrome can be counted on the fingers of one hand. In this paper we report a case of severe DRESS syndrome that deteriorated rapidly up on tapering steroid therapy and was dramatically improved on combination of pulse steroid therapy and N-acetylcysteine. This case report may suggest that higher doses and gradual tapering of corticosteroid is a wise approach for using this type of therapy in DRESS syndrome. In addition it emphasizes the possible beneficial role of N-acetylcysteine in the therapy of this condition



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