首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Computer Science and Technology >Developing an Efficient Solution to Information Hiding through Text Steganography Along with Cryptography

Developing an Efficient Solution to Information Hiding through Text Steganography Along with Cryptography




Now-a-days information security over unsecured channel is the most challenging issue. Most of the proposed algorithms in network security include only cryptography. Although cryptanalysis takes a lot of time to get back the plain text, the security given is not efficient in the conditions where the plain text is more important than the time. Therefore, we have proposed an efficient solution to use steganography along with cryptography for increased security. The proposed algorithm involves the pure format based text steganography along with the secret key cryptography. The cover text is made as ordinary as possible. The plain text from the sender is encrypted using DES algorithm which generates the cipher text. This cipher text is then embedded into the cover text using the embedding algorithm which generates the stego text which is sent through the unsecured channel. The receiver then receives the stego-text converts it into the cipher text using extraction algorithm which is then converted back to plain text using DES decryption. Instead of correct recipient if any third party or cracker or hacker obtains the stego text they may think that it is an ordinary text to teach English to the kids since we made it like that or if they try to extract the original message it requires a huge amount of computational time. The changes that can be made to the proposed algorithm is that we can make use of AES algorithm instead of DES algorithm since AES make use of 128-bit key and DES uses 64-bit key and increase in key length provides greater security.Full Paper



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