首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Electrochemical Science >Optimal Control Design for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell via Genetic Algorithm

Optimal Control Design for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell via Genetic Algorithm




Water management in PEM fuel cell has become an important issue since it can improve cellperformance and lifetime. This paper presents a dynamic model of Proton Exchange Membrane FuelCell (PEMFC), and an optimal PID controller based on Genetic Algorithm has been developed. Thisprocess can control the cell voltage with changes like current disturbance and uncertainty in model.The proposed controller is compared with CHR-PID (Chien-Hrones-Roswick approach to design aclassic PID controller) and predictive control. The comparison shows that an optimal controller hasgood performance. Models and optimal PID controller are implemented in MATLAB and SIMULINKenvironment. Simulation results show that, this approach can adjust the anode and cathode water molefractions. When changes applied to model, the cell voltage oscillates and after little time converges tosetpoint and it would be constant. Thus, the cell water content maintains within a satisfactory intervalirrespective of changes in the cell current and parameter in model. This process is caused to extend thelifetime of PEM fuel cell stack.



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