首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Electrochemical Science >Effect of Hydrophobic Particles in a Gas Diffusion Electrode on Cell Performance in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Effect of Hydrophobic Particles in a Gas Diffusion Electrode on Cell Performance in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells




The relationship between cell performance and the hydrophobic properties of a catalytic layercontaining hydrophobic particles in a gas diffusion electrode for a polymer electrolyte membrane fuelcell was investigated. The hydrophobic particles, prepared from carbon black andpolytetrafluoroethylene dispersion, were added to a catalytic layer to form a gas diffusion network byenhancing the hydrophobic property of the catalytic layer. The cell performance increased as thecatalytic layer became more hydrophobic. A more hydrophobic catalytic layer reduced blockage of thegas diffusion path that water, reaction product, caused. Water was produced by the electrochemicalreaction of the reactant gases at the catalytic layer. The hydrophobic property of the catalytic layer wasmore important at the high current density region compared with the low current density region. Athree-layered electrode system with a test layer and catalytic layer were used to investigate the flux ofhumidified gas through the catalytic layer. The hydrophobic nature of the test layer determined by theamount of hydrophobic particles in the catalytic layer influenced the gas flux and changed the cellperformance.



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