首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences >Assessment of Nutritional Status and Its Determinants Among Pre-School Children Within Dalit Communities of Jessore City in Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Study

Assessment of Nutritional Status and Its Determinants Among Pre-School Children Within Dalit Communities of Jessore City in Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Study




Background: The socio-religiously considered low class Dalit communities are living below extreme poverty line in Bangladesh. They face discrimination at all levels of social interactions. Lack of access to education, extreme poverty issues, health and housing problems, and unequal access to work and employment may put this underprivileged community at the risk of malnutrition. Objectives: This study was carried out to determine the nutritional status and associated factors among preschool children within various Dalit communities in Jessore city, Bangladesh. Study Design: A cross sectional study was undertaken among 165 pre-school children (24-60 months) randomly selected from different Dalit families living in Jessore city, Bangladesh. Anthropometric methods and a structured questionnaire were used to collect the required data. WHO based anthropometric Z scores and MUAC (Mid Upper Arm Circumference) indicators were used to measure nutritional status of the children. Data analysis at 5% level of significance was performed by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)-22 software. Results: About 58% and 45% of the studied preschool children were stunted and underweight respectively while 22.5% children were wasted. Nearly 8.5% children were obese or at risk of being obese. Most of the parents were illiterate or just completed only primary education. Mother and father education status was not statistically significant with stunting, wasting and underweight status of pre-school children. Moderate and severe stunting were relatively higher among younger children (p0.05). According to MUAC assessment 82.4% of the children were normal, 16.9% had mild to moderate and 0.6% was severely malnourished. Most of those malnourished children belonged to younger age groups (p0.01). MUAC of the children was significant with their mother education status (p0.05). 61.2% children who suffered diarrhea or pneumonia in last 2 months had lower weight for age (p0.05) and weight for height (p0.01) than who didn't. Conclusions: About half of preschool children among Dalit communities in Jessore city live with chronic malnutrition like stunting and underweight. Maternal health status as well as other socio-demographic factors can affect the nutritional status of children.
机译:背景:在社会上被视为宗教的低贱达利特人社区生活在孟加拉国的极端贫困线以下。他们在社会互动的各个层面都面临歧视。缺乏受教育的机会,赤贫问题,健康和住房问题以及不平等的工作和就业机会,可能使这个贫困的社区面临营养不良的风险。目的:本研究旨在确定孟加拉国杰索尔市各个达利特社区学龄前儿童的营养状况和相关因素。研究设计:对来自孟加拉国杰索尔市不同Dalit家庭的165名学龄前儿童(24-60个月)进行了横断面研究。人体测量方法和结构化问卷用于收集所需数据。基于WHO的人体测量Z评分和MUAC(中臂围)指标用于测量儿童的营养状况。显着性水平为5%的数据分析通过社会科学统计软件包(SPSS)-22软件进行。结果:分别有58%和45%的学龄前儿童发育迟缓和体重不足,而22.5%的儿童被浪费了。近8.5%的儿童肥胖或有肥胖风险。大多数父母是文盲或仅完成初等教育。在学龄前儿童的发育迟缓,消瘦和体重不足状态下,父母的教育状况在统计学上不显着。年幼儿童的中度和重度发育不良相对较高(p <0.05)。根据MUAC评估,82.4%的儿童是正常的,16.9%的儿童属于轻度至中度,0.6%的儿童营养不良。这些营养不良的儿童大多数属于较年轻的年龄组(p <0.01)。儿童的MUAC与他们的母亲教育状况显着相关(p <0.05)。最近2个月内有61.2%的儿童出现腹泻或肺炎,其年龄体重(p <0.05)和身高体重(p <0.01)比未体重减轻的儿童低。结论:杰索尔市达利特社区中约有一半的学龄前儿童患有发育不良和体重不足等慢性营养不良。孕产妇的健康状况以及其他社会人口统计学因素会影响儿童的营养状况。



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