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The complexity of heritage and societal development – The example of Gjirokastra, Albania




Albania is formerly the most closed country in Europe and has suffered from severe economic and political problems during the last two decades. In the southern part lies Gjirokastra, birthplace of former dictator Enver Hoxha, and home to diverse communities of Albanians and Greeks. Gjirokastra Old Town, proclaimed “Museum City” by the regime in 1961 and later turned into a UNESCO World Heritage City, climbs the steep western side of the Drinos valley. During the communist era the city was heavily industrialized with a metal work factory as well as factories for products such as shoes, refrigerators, and umbrellas. On the eastern side is the archaeological site of the ancient city of Antigonea, thus defining a landscape with long historical processes and a multitude of narratives and interpretations. In recent years this landscape has witnessed increased efforts to secure what are perceived heritage values, focusing on the older structures i.e. the world heritage part of the city and the archaeological site. However, the structures of post-war era of Albania contribute significantly to the full context of the landscape, but since the mid-1990s and the collapse of Albanian post-communist economy the former industrial sites are increasingly deteriorating. Parallel with severe economic problems with massive volumes of unemployed, a criminally based economy on drug trafficking is increasing. This paper will discuss the societally based problems in securing different heritage assets for a positive societal development.
机译:阿尔巴尼亚以前是欧洲最封闭的国家,在过去的二十年中遭受了严重的经济和政治问题的困扰。南部地区是前独裁者恩弗·霍克(Enver Hoxha)的出生地吉罗卡斯特(Gjirokastra),那里是阿尔巴尼亚人和希腊人的多元化社区的所在地。吉罗卡斯特老城区(Gjirokastra Old Town)于1961年被该政权宣布为“博物馆之城”,后来变成了联合国教科文组织世界遗产城市,攀登了Drinos山谷的西侧。在共产主义时期,这座城市被高度工业化,拥有金属制品厂以及鞋,冰箱和雨伞等产品工厂。东侧是安提哥尼亚古城的考古遗址,因此定义了具有悠久历史进程和多种叙述和解释的景观。近年来,这种景观见证了人们为确保遗产价值而付出的更多努力,重点是旧建筑,即城市和考古遗址的世界遗产。但是,战后阿尔巴尼亚时代的结构在整个景观中发挥了重要作用,但是自1990年代中期和阿尔巴尼亚后共产主义经济崩溃以来,以前的工业用地日益恶化。与严重的经济问题以及大量的失业者同时,以毒品为基础的以犯罪为基础的经济正在增长。本文将讨论在保护不同遗产资产以促进积极的社会发展中基于社会的问题。



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