首页> 外文期刊>Epilepsy currents >“Please Release Me, Let Me Go”—Changes in Presynaptic Release Following Status Epilepticus

“Please Release Me, Let Me Go”—Changes in Presynaptic Release Following Status Epilepticus

机译:“请释放我,让我走” —癫痫持续状态后突触释放的变化



These results add another dimension to the anatomic and physiologic basis of hippocampal hyperexcitability underlying limbic epilepsy. In addition to the increased excitatory circuit activity engendered by mossy fiber sprouting and changes in intrinsic excitability of dentate granule cells, hilar neurons, and CA3 pyramidal neurons, this study provides strong evidence for altered presynaptic release mechanisms as well. It seems that the post–status epilepticus hippocampus is impaired both coming and going—from both the presynaptic side and the postsynaptic side. The epileptic animal might well have changed its tune to “please release me…and let me seize again”! Yet, with every challenge comes an opportunity, and with this additional target, it might be possible to develop therapeutic interventions that compensate for the presynaptic pathophysiology.



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