首页> 外文期刊>Electronic Journal of Statistics >On the finite-sample analysis of $Theta$-estimators

On the finite-sample analysis of $Theta$-estimators

机译:关于$ Theta $估计量的有限样本分析



In large-scale modern data analysis, first-order optimization methods are usually favored to obtain sparse estimators in high dimensions. This paper performs theoretical analysis of a class of iterative thresholding based estimators defined in this way. Oracle inequalities are built to show the nearly minimax rate optimality of such estimators under a new type of regularity conditions. Moreover, the sequence of iterates is found to be able to approach the statistical truth within the best statistical accuracy geometrically fast. Our results also reveal different benefits brought by convex and nonconvex types of shrinkage.
机译:在大规模现代数据分析中,通常倾向于采用一阶优化方法来获得高维的稀疏估计。本文对以此方式定义的一类基于迭代阈值的估计量进行了理论分析。 Oracle不等式的建立是为了显示在新型规则性条件下此类估计量的接近最小最大速率最优性。而且,发现迭代序列能够在几何上最快的统计精度内接近统计真相。我们的结果还揭示了凸型和非凸型收缩带来的不同好处。



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