首页> 外文期刊>Genes and Nutrition >Identifying evolutionarily conserved genes in the dietary restriction response using bioinformatics and subsequent testing in Caenorhabditis elegans

Identifying evolutionarily conserved genes in the dietary restriction response using bioinformatics and subsequent testing in Caenorhabditis elegans




Dietary restriction (DR) increases life span, health span and resistance to stress in a wide range of organisms. Work from a large number of laboratories has revealed evolutionarily conserved mechanisms that mediate the DR response. Here, we analyzed the genome-wide gene expression profiles of Caenorhabditis elegans under DR versus ad libitum conditions. Using the Ortho2ExpressMatrix tool, we searched for C. elegans orthologs of mouse genes that have been shown to be differentially expressed under DR conditions in nearly 600 experiments. Based on our bioinformatic approaches, we obtained 189 DR-responsive genes, and 45 of these are highly conserved from worm to man. Subsequent testing of sixteen genes that are up-regulated under DR identified eight genes that abolish the DR-induced resistance to heat stress in C. elegans. Further analyses revealed that fkb-4, dod-22 and ikb-1 genes also abolish increased life span in response to DR. The identified genes that are necessary for the DR response are sensitive to certain stress signals such as metabolic perturbances (dod-22, fkb-4 and nhr-85), DNA damage (ikb-1), heat shock (hsp-12.6) and cancer-like overgrowth (prk-2 and tsp-15). We propose that most of the DR-responsive genes identified are components of the recently discovered cellular surveillance-activated detoxification and defenses pathway, which is, among others, important for the survival of organisms in times of food deprivation.



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