首页> 外文期刊>Marine and Coastal Fisheries >Depth-Related Distribution of Postjuvenile Red Snapper in Southeastern U.S. Atlantic Ocean Waters: Ontogenic Patterns and Implications for Management

Depth-Related Distribution of Postjuvenile Red Snapper in Southeastern U.S. Atlantic Ocean Waters: Ontogenic Patterns and Implications for Management




For the economically and ecologically important Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus, depth distribution patterns across ontogeny are not well understood, particularly in the southeastern U.S. Atlantic Ocean (SEUSA). Using data derived from two fishery-independent surveys targeting hardbottom habitats, we examined patterns of age- and length-specific depth distributions of postjuvenile (age 1+) Red Snapper in the SEUSA. We also compared age and length distributions between fishery-independent surveys and commercial hook-and-line catches to make inferences about gear-specific age and size selectivity, which could have implications for gear-specific interpretations of Red Snapper depth distribution patterns and for determining selectivity functions used in stock assessments. Older, larger Red Snapper were generally distributed throughout all depths, whereas the younger and smaller Red Snapper occurred disproportionately in relatively shallow waters. For Red Snapper equal to or larger than 50?cm FL, we found no evidence of a positive relationship between depth and age or length. Additionally, age and length distributions of Red Snapper ≥ 50?cm FL did not differ between fishery-independent surveys and the commercial hook-and-line fishery. These results provide no support for assertions of greater abundances of older and larger Red Snapper in deeper SEUSA waters. As observed in this study for Red Snapper in SEUSA waters, we suggest that patterns of increasing age and size with depth for multiple reef-associated fish species in SEUSA and Gulf of Mexico waters may be driven by younger and smaller fish occurring in shallower waters, and older and larger fish being distributed more equally across depths. Analyses to test this hypothesis for multiple species would be informative for their assessment and management and are recommended. Received October 21, 2013; accepted March 11, 2014
机译:对于具有重要经济和生态意义的红鲷鱼(Lutjanus campechanus),尤其是在美国东南部的东南大西洋(SEUSA),人们对个体个体之间的深度分布模式还知之甚少。使用来自两个针对硬底生境的独立于渔业的调查的数据,我们研究了SEUSA少年(1岁以上)红鲷鱼的年龄和长度特定的深度分布模式。我们还比较了独立于渔业的调查和商业钩钓渔获之间的年龄和长度分布,以推断出特定渔具的年龄和大小选择性,这可能对红鲷鱼深度分布模式的特定渔具解释和确定库存评估中使用的选择性函数。年龄较大的红鲷鱼通常分布在所有深度,而年龄较小的红鲷鱼则不成比例地发生在相对较浅的水域。对于等于或大于FL?50?cm的红鲷鱼,我们没有发现深度与年龄或长度之间呈正相关的证据。此外,在不依赖渔业的调查和商业钩钓渔业中,≥50?cm FL的红鲷鱼的年龄和长度分布没有差异。这些结果不支持在更深的SEUSA水域中主张越来越大的红鲷鱼的说法。正如本研究针对SEUSA水域中的红鲷鱼所观察到的那样,我们建议SEUSA和墨西哥湾水域中与珊瑚礁相关的多种鱼类的年龄和大小随深度而增加的模式可能是由浅水域中年龄较小和较小的鱼类引起的,而较大的和较大的鱼类则更均匀地分布在各个深度。对多种物种的这一假设进行检验的分析将有助于其评估和管理,因此值得推荐。 2013年10月21日收到;接受2014年3月11日



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