首页> 外文期刊>Nauka Przyroda Technologie >Cityscape scrapers – kontrowersyjne obiekty architektury wspó?czesnej w krajobrazie miejskim jako elementy ogniskuj?ce rozwój rekreacji i turystyki

Cityscape scrapers – kontrowersyjne obiekty architektury wspó?czesnej w krajobrazie miejskim jako elementy ogniskuj?ce rozwój rekreacji i turystyki




The architectural avant-garde movement has introduced into urban landscape an unprecedented amount of extremely original buildings – contrasted with the surrounding area, insaisissable of accepted standards of esthetic evaluation. The new realizations – breaking ranks of local architectural tradition and continuity of urban pattern, isolated from spatial context, provocative and evoking contradictory reactions of people – have appeared in prominent sites of monumental districts. Controversial buildings – attracting attention by scandalous atmosphere and artistic provocation – often play role of important elements of the city spatial and economic strategy. Revenues descended from “selling” their image are the measure of their success. This aspect of functioning of the disputable contemporary architectural objects in urban landscape is presented on the most spectacular cases of Eiffel Tower, Pompidou Centre, Louvre Pyramid or Hundertwasser’s realizations in Vienna – the objects, being a part of gigantic “sightseeing industry”, which have become the most important points on city tourist maps.



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