首页> 外文期刊>Open access Journal of Contraception >Factors affecting the use of male-oriented contraceptives: a case study of the Mukarati community, Zimbabwe

Factors affecting the use of male-oriented contraceptives: a case study of the Mukarati community, Zimbabwe




Abstract: The subject of male sexuality has long been shrouded by silence and secrecy in Zimbabwe. As such, where contraceptive uptake has featured as part of social studies inquiry, it has tended to do so in the context of a development discourse that focused exclusively on the experiences of women. Marshaling evidence from the survey, key informant interviews, and focus-group discussions (FGDs), this study unearthed factors underlying the uptake of male-oriented contraceptives from men's perspectives. This was done through an exploration of men's knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and practices pertaining to male-oriented contraceptives and an assessment of the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and affordability of male-oriented contraceptives. The results indicated that despite the fact that men are knowledgeable about male-oriented contraceptives, such knowledge is not being translated into practice. Social construction of masculinity is the primary encumbering block to the uptake of male-oriented contraceptives. In addition, unavailability and unaffordability of vasectomy services in the Mukarati community results in no men opting for the method. The study has thus recommended that the government and other relevant stakeholders may formulate policies that promote information, education, and communication pertaining to male-oriented contraceptives in order to foster the utilization of contraceptives by men.



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