首页> 外文期刊>Plasma >Implicit Temporal Discretization and Exact Energy Conservation for Particle Methods Applied to the Poissona??Boltzmann Equation

Implicit Temporal Discretization and Exact Energy Conservation for Particle Methods Applied to the Poissona??Boltzmann Equation

机译:隐式时间离散化和精确守恒的粒子方法应用于Poissona ?? Boltzmann方程



We report on a new multiscale method approach for the study of systems with wide separation of short-range forces acting on short time scales and long-range forces acting on much slower scales. We consider the case of the Poisson–Boltzmann equation that describes the long-range forces using the Boltzmann formula (i.e., we assume the medium to be in quasi local thermal equilibrium). We develop a new approach where fields and particle information (mediated by the equations for their moments) are solved self-consistently. The new approach is implicit and numerically stable, providing exact energy conservation. We test different implementations that all lead to exact energy conservation. The new method requires the solution of a large set of non-linear equations. We consider three solution strategies: Jacobian Free Newton Krylov, an alternative, called field hiding which is based on hiding part of the residual calculation and replacing them with direct solutions and a Direct Newton Schwarz solver that considers a simplified, single, particle-based Jacobian. The field hiding strategy proves to be the most efficient approach.
机译:我们报告了一种新的多尺度方法方法,用于研究短时尺度作用的短程力和慢得多尺度作用的长程力的系统。我们考虑使用Boltzmann公式描述远程力的Poisson– Boltzmann方程的情况(即,假设介质处于准局部热平衡状态)。我们开发了一种新的方法,可以自洽地求解场和粒子信息(由方程式对其矩进行调节)。新方法是隐式的并且在数值上是稳定的,从而提供了精确的节能效果。我们测试了不同的实现方式,所有这些实现方式均可以实现精确的节能。这种新方法需要求解大量非线性方程。我们考虑了三种解决方案策略:Jacobian Free Newton Krylov,一种替代方法,称为场隐藏,它基于隐藏残差计算的一部分并将其替换为直接解决方案;以及Direct Newton Schwarz解算器,它考虑了基于粒子的简化,单一,雅可比矩阵。现场隐藏策略被证明是最有效的方法。



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