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Mandibular Reconstruction Using Costochondral Rib Graft In A Growing Patient: 3 Years 9 Months Follow Up.




Unicystic ameloblastoma refer to those cystic lesions that show clinical, radiographic, or gross features of a mandibular cyst, but on histologic examination they show a typical ameloblastomatous epithelium lining part of the cyst cavity, with or without luminal and/or mural tumor growth. Due to its strong likelihood of recurrence, curettage or mass excision without a safety margin is not recommended for the treatment. The goal of treatment ameloblastoma is to achieve complete excision and appropriate reconstruction. Mandibular reconstruction after resection is essential for the restoration of function and cosmesis, particularly in children. Costochondral grafts have been used for many years in reconstruction of TMJ and mandible. This is a report on unicystic ameloblastoma in a 12 year old patient treated by resection and reconstructed with costochondral graft and followed up for 3 years 9 months. Introduction Ameloblastoma is a true neoplasm of the odontogenic epithelium, representing about 1% of all oral ectodermal tumors and 9% of odontogenic tumors[1]. The unicystic ameloblastoma is considered a variant of the solid or multicystic ameloblastoma, accounting for 6% to 15% of all intraosseous ameloblastomas. Unicystic ameloblastoma usually occur in the younger age group and commonly involves the mandible. Unicystic ameloblastoma is a tumour with a strong propensity for recurrence, warranting complete excision[2]. The most challenging aspect in maxillofacial surgery in treating such a lesion in a growing patient is not just radical tumour resection but the reconstruction of resected portion. Hemimandibulectomy in young patients alters and restricts the mandibular movements leading to severe cosmetic and functional deformity including speech, mastication and deglutition [3]. Immediate reconstruction in such situations permits stress-stable positioning of condylar stumps thereby retaining the soft tissue position and contour of lower part of face [4]. Among the numerous autogenous and alloplastic techniques available for reconstruction, autogenous costochondral graft have been widely accepted for use in growing children. The histologic and physiologic similarities between the condyle and rib cartilage have been well documented and the bone-cartilage junction provides a centre with growth potential in children [5].The aim of presenting this case is to report our experience with costochondral graft in reconstruction after hemimandibulectomy in an 11 year old patient with unicystic ameloblastoma.
机译:单囊性成纤维细胞瘤是指那些表现出临床,影像学或下颌囊肿大体特征的囊性病变,但在组织学检查中,它们显示出囊腔中典型的成纤维细胞样上皮衬里部分,伴或不伴腔腔和/或壁瘤生长。由于其极有可能复发,因此不建议进行刮除术或大规模切除术而无安全余量。治疗成纤维细胞瘤的目的是实现完全切除和适当的重建。切除后的下颌重建对于功能和美容的恢复至关重要,特别是在儿童中。肋软骨移植已用于重建TMJ和下颌骨多年。这是一例有关单囊性成纤维细胞瘤的报道,该患者在接受切除的12岁患者中进行了手术,并用肋软骨移植进行了重建,并随访了3年9个月。简介成釉细胞瘤是真正的牙源性上皮肿瘤,约占所有口腔外胚层肿瘤的1%和牙源性肿瘤的9%[1]。单囊性成纤维细胞瘤被认为是实体或多囊性成纤维细胞瘤的变体,占所有骨内成纤维细胞瘤的6%至15%。单囊性成纤维细胞瘤通常发生在较年轻的年龄段,通常涉及下颌骨。单囊性成纤维细胞瘤是一种复发性很强的肿瘤,需要完全切除[2]。在成长中的患者中治疗此类病变的颌面外科手术中最具挑战性的方面不仅是根治性肿瘤切除,而且还包括切除部分的重建。年轻患者的下颌下颌手术会改变并限制下颌的运动,从而导致严重的美容和功能畸形,包括言语,咀嚼和脱胶[3]。在这种情况下,立即重建可以使stress突桩的应力稳定定位,从而保留面部下部的软组织位置和轮廓[4]。在众多可用于重建的自体和同种异体移植技术中,自体肋软骨移植已被广泛接受用于成长中的儿童。 the突和肋骨软骨之间​​的组织学和生理学相似性已得到充分证明,并且骨-软骨交界处为儿童的生长潜力提供了一个中心[5]。本案例的目的是报告我们在软骨软骨移植后的重建中的经验。一名11岁单囊性成纤维细胞瘤患者的半球下颌切除术。



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