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A Cassowary Casuarius casuarius (Linnaeus, 1758) Record from Alexandria, Egypt, in 20 B.C. (Aves, Ratitae, Casuaridae)

机译:公元前20年,埃及亚历山大亚历山大的食火鸟Casuarius casuarius(Linnaeus,1758)唱片。 (Aves,Ratitae,木麻科)



The reverse side of the Artemidorus Papyrus, which was latest created early in the first century A.D. in Alexandria, features 47 drawings of animals by the same illustrator. In most cases, the Greek name of the animal is given. According to an Aristotelian “heading”, the papyrus shows “terrestrial quadrupeds, birds, fish and whales”. The taxa vary: one jellyfish, one mantis shrimp, five fishes s. l., six reptiles s. l., eleven birds and seventeen mammals. The work fits into the Hellenistic tradition of realistic animal illustrations. The papyrus was obviously produced and used as a pattern book. All the animals depicted are from Africa or the Mediterranean, except for eleven which can be said with certainty to come from India and four others which occur in both Africa and Asia. The Indian animals were presented to Princeps Augustus (r. 31 B.C. – 14 A.D.) in the summer of 20 B.C. in Daphne, Antioch and in the winter of 20/19 B.C. on the island of Samos by a delegation sent by King Poros of India (ruler of 600 kings), a Gujarati monarch hoping to establish trade relations with the Roman Empire. The delegation made its way to Rome via Antioch where it split for Samos and Athens accompanying Augustus, and via Alexandria, where a number of its animals were recorded on the Artemidorus Papyrus. Some of the species portrayed are also attested to by Strabo fide Nikolaos of Damascus. Others of the same exotic origin to be depicted in Alexandria include the four-horned antelope and the cassowary examined below. The complexity of the animal depictions on the reverse of this papyrus and the numerous details pinning it to historical events are enough to put paid to the notion that the Artemidorus Papyrus is a forgery. An asiatic bird named cornica which is described in an apocryph Plinius edition cited by medieval authors, unmistakeably is a cassowary, probably the same specimen.
机译:Artemidorus Papyrus的反面是在公元一世纪初在亚历山大港首次创作的,其中有47位动物插图由同一位插图画家绘制。在大多数情况下,会给动物起希腊名字。根据亚里士多德的“标题”,纸莎草纸显示“陆地四足动物,鸟类,鱼类和鲸鱼”。种类有所不同:一只海el,一只螳螂虾,五种鱼。 l。六个爬行动物l。,十一只鸟和十七只哺乳动物。该作品符合希腊动物现实主义插图的传统。纸莎草纸显然是生产出来的,并用作纸样书。所描绘的所有动物都来自非洲或地中海,除了可以肯定地说是来自印度的11种动物以及来自非洲和亚洲的另外4种动物。在公元前20年夏天,将这些印度动物献给了奥古斯都亲王(公元前31年–公元14年)。在安提阿的达芙妮和公元前20/19冬季印度波罗斯国王(600位国王的统治者)派遣的一个代表团在萨摩斯岛上游说,古吉拉特君主希望与罗马帝国建立贸易关系。代表团途经安提阿(Antioch),随奥古斯都(Augustus)分为萨摩斯(Samos)和雅典(Athens),以及亚历山大(Alexandria),后者在Artemidorus Papyrus上记录了许多动物。大马士革的Strabo信徒Nikolaos也证明了其中描绘的某些物种。亚历山大大帝将描述具有相同异国血统的其他动物,包括四角羚羊和下面讨论的食火动物。纸莎草纸背面的动物描写的复杂性以及将其固定在历史事件上的众多细节足以使人们认为Artemidorus纸莎草纸是伪造的。中世纪作者引用的伪造的普林纽斯版中描述的一种名为cornica的亚洲鸟类无疑是食性的,可能是相同的标本。



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