首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >A conceptual model of daily water balance following partial clearing from forest to pasture

A conceptual model of daily water balance following partial clearing from forest to pasture




A simple conceptual water balance model representing the streamflowgeneration processes on a daily time step following land use change ispresented. The model consists of five stores: (i) Dry, Wet and SubsurfaceStores for vertical and lateral water flow, (ii) a transient Stream zoneStore (iii) a saturated Goundwater Store. The soil moisture balance in thetop soil Dry and Wet Stores are the most important components of the modeland characterize the dynamically varying saturated areas responsible forsurface runoff, interflow and deep percolation. The Subsurface Storedescribes the unsaturated soil moisture balance, extraction of percolatedwater by vegetation and groundwater recharge. The Groundwater Store controlsthe baseflow to stream (if any) and the groundwater contribution to thestream zone saturated areas. The daily model was developed following adownward approach by analysing data from Ernies (control) and Lemon (53% cleared)catchments in Western Australia and elaborating a monthly model. The dailymodel performed very well in simulating daily flow generation processes forboth catchments. Most of the model parameters were incorporated a priori fromcatchment attributes such as surface slope, soil depth, porosity, streamlength and initial groundwater depth, and some were calibrated by matchingthe observed and predicted hydrographs. The predicted groundwater depth, andstreamflow volumes across all time steps from daily to monthly to annualwere in close agreement with observations for both catchments.



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