
Die kerk in die Nuwe Testament




The church in the New Testament?The article explores the documents of the New Testament in search of the?concept church' and finds that, ?in a nutshell, the answers are as follows: the ?Spirit-controlled, charismatic togetherness of people 'in?Christ' (Paul); cross-bearing followers of Jesus (Mk); the people of God?on their way through history (Lk-Ac); the faithful locked in battle with?Satanic powers, but with the expectation of occupying the heavenly Jerusalem (Rv); the ?community with which Christ became solidary, and?which is heading for its heavenly place of rest (Reb); the poor but pious?community, putting their faith into practice (Ja); the body of Christ in?which his universal reign can be experienced (Col); the sphere in which?salvation is ?realized (Eph); disciples following Jesus as God-with us,?experiencing the ?rift between synagogue and church (Mt); friends and?confidants of Christ, living at loggerheads with the synagogue (In); the?household of God, governed by householders (Pastorals); and the socia-ly ostracized elect of God whose way of life should be a demonstration of?their otherness as Christians (1 Pt).



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