首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agronomy >Evaluation of Rhizobium Inoculation in Combination with Phosphorus and Nitrogen Fertilization on Groundnut Growth and Yield

Evaluation of Rhizobium Inoculation in Combination with Phosphorus and Nitrogen Fertilization on Groundnut Growth and Yield




Background and Objective: Low soil fertility status, nutritional imbalance and inappropriate agronomic practices are the major problems limiting the current production and yield of groundnut, therefore, a study was conducted during 2015/2016 at the greenhouse of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, Malaysia, to evaluate the effect of Rhizobium inoculation, in combination with Phosphorus (P) and Nitrogen (N) fertilization on the growth and yield of groundnut. Methodology: The experiment included plots with and without Rhizobium inoculated treatments, two rates of Phosphorus (P) fertilizer (0.82 kg ha?1) and two rates of Nitrogen (N) fertilizer (0.27 kg ha?1). The treatments were laid out in a split-split plot design with two main plots (plots with and without Rhizobium ), two subplots (for two nitrogen levels), two sub-sub-plots (for two phosphorus levels) and the experiment replicated thrice. Results: The highest growth and yield parameters such as maximum plant height (75 cm), number of branches (21.3 per plant), number of nodules (45 per plant), number of pods (18.3 per plant), pod yield (2661.7 kg ha?1), 100 seed weight (39.2 g), shelling percentage (43.1%), oil content (54.3%), protein content (25.6%), seed moisture (7.9%) and seed germination (86%) were observed in artificially inoculated Rhizobium treatment plots where the recommended dosage of inorganic P and N fertilizers were applied. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study it can be tentatively concluded that groundnut seed inoculated with Rhizobium and subsequently fertilized with P2O5 and N at rates of 82 and 27 kg ha?1, respectively during the growth stage showed improved growth and yield parameters.
机译:背景与目的:低土壤肥力状况,营养失衡和不当的农艺习惯是限制花生当前产量和产量的主要问题,因此,在2015/2016年间,在马来西亚马来西亚大学温室进行了一项研究,马来西亚Bangi,评估接种根瘤菌,结合磷(P)和氮(N)施肥对花生生长和产量的影响。方法:该实验包括有和没有接种根瘤菌的地块,两种磷(P)肥料(0.82 kg ha ?1 )和两种氮(N)肥料(0.27 kg ha ?1 )。处理以分块样地设计,其中有两个主要样点(有和没有根瘤菌的图),两个子样图(两个氮水平),两个子子样图(两个磷水平),并且实验重复了三次。结果:最高的生长和产量参数,例如最大株高(75厘米),枝条数(每株21.3),结节数(每株45),荚果数(每株18.3),荚果产量(2661.7千克) ha ?1 ),100种子重量(39.2 g),脱壳率(43.1%),油含量(54.3%),蛋白质含量(25.6%),种子水分(7.9%)和种子发芽(86%)在人工接种的根瘤菌处理区中观察到,其中推荐的无机P和N肥料用量达到推荐值。结论:根据研究结果,可以初步得出结论:接种根瘤菌的花生种子随后以82和27的比例施以P 2 O 5 和N肥kg ha ?1 在生长期分别表现出改善的生长和产量参数。



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