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Thymic mucoepidermoid carcinoma: A case report




Timik mukoepidermoid karsinoma, anterior mediastende izlenen nadir bir malignitedir. Literatürde a??klanan 30'dan az vaka mevcuttur. Bizim olgumuz; sa? g??üs a?r?s? olan, toraks BT’de anterior mediastende kom?u perikard?n direkt invazyonu ile fokal bir solid k?sma sahip lobüle kistik kitle tespit edilen 77 ya??nda bir erkek hastayd?. Anterior mediastinal kitlesi i?in herhangi bir komplikasyon olmaks?z?n sa? torakoskopik cerrahi ile rezeksiyon uyguland?. Sorunsuz bir iyile?me sürecinden sonra postoperatif alt?nc? günde taburcu edildi. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the thymus is a rare malignant neoplasm of the anterior mediastinum. There are less than 30 cases described in the English literature. We report a case of a 77-year- old man with right chest pain. Thorax-CT scan showed a lobulated cystic mass having a focal solid portion with direct invasion of the adjacent pericardium in the anterior mediastinum. He underwent surgical resection for his anterior mediastinal mass via right thoracoscopic surgery without any complication. He had an uneventful recovery and was discharged on the sixth postoperative day.
机译:胸腺粘液表皮样癌是一种在纵隔前部见到的罕见恶性肿瘤。文献中描述的病例少于30个。我们的情况;呵呵g ??基a?r?s?一名77岁的男性患者,其胸部CT上直接侵犯了邻近的心包,在前纵隔中有小叶的囊性肿块,并在前纵隔有局灶性实心部分。对,无任何纵隔前肿块并发症通过胸腔镜手术切除。恢复期过后,术后第六?他一天出院了。胸腺黏液表皮样癌是一种罕见的前纵隔恶性肿瘤。英文文献中描述的病例不到30个。我们报告了一例右胸疼痛的77岁男子。胸部CT扫描显示叶状囊性肿块,具有局灶性实心部分,直接侵犯前纵隔的相邻心包。通过右胸腔镜手术对他的前纵隔肿块进行了手术切除,没有任何并发​​症。他恢复良好,术后第六天出院。



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