首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Yeast and Fungal Research >Diversity and distribution of species of Ganoderma in south western Cameroon

Diversity and distribution of species of Ganoderma in south western Cameroon




The genus Ganoderma is one of the most important group of Basidiomycetes due to their medicinal effects and also because they cause decay in a very wide range of tree species all over the world. Opportunistic sampling was used to collect 57 samples of Ganoderma?from oil palm and other hosts for identification using comparative morphology and supported by molecular studies of the ITS and mtSSu gene regions. The objectives were to identify the species associated with different hosts, and to generate a checklist of species of Ganoderma in south western Cameroon. Morphological and molecular characterization of the 57 specimens showed that they belonged to 17 species of Ganoderma. Two species, Ganoderma tornatum?and Ganoderma chalceum?are known records for Cameroon. Four species, Ganoderma weberianum, Ganoderma cupreum, Ganoderma steyaertanum?and Ganoderma zonatum?are new records for Cameroon. The remaining 11 species Ganoderma ryvardense, Ganoderma lobenense, and Ganoderma species 1–9 with different affinities might be new to science. Six plant species were identified as hosts to different species of Ganoderma. They are Elaeis guineensis, Cassia sp., Acacia sp., Pinus sylvestris, Avocado sp.?and unidentified hardwoods, with E. guineensis, hosting the highest number of species. With supplementary literature survey, a check-list of 23 species was established.
机译:灵芝属由于其药物作用并且是引起全世界范围广泛的树种腐烂的最重要的担子菌之一。使用机会抽样从油棕和其他宿主中收集了57份灵芝样品,以便使用比较形态进行鉴定,并得到ITS和mtSSu基因区域的分子研究的支持。目的是确定与不同寄主有关的物种,并产生喀麦隆西南部灵芝物种的清单。 57个标本的形态和分子特征表明它们属于灵芝的17种。喀麦隆已知有两个物种,即灵芝和灵芝。 Webernum灵芝,Cupumum灵芝,Steyaertanum灵芝和zonatum灵芝这四个物种是喀麦隆的新记录。其余11种具有不同亲和力的灵芝,灵芝和灵芝1–9可能对科学来说是新的。六个植物物种被鉴定为灵芝不同物种的寄主。它们是杜鹃花(Guaeensis),决明子(Cassia sp。),金合欢(Acacia sp。),樟子松(Pinus sylvestris),鳄梨(Avocado)sp。?和未鉴定的硬木,其中杜鹃花(E. guineensis)的物种数量最多。通过补充文献调查,建立了23种物种的清单。


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